Buying with Loppi
[For Japanese] Loppiで購入するTickets that are handled by Lawson Ticket can be bought using "Loppi" at any Lawson store in Japan.
The "L Code" that are required for buying tickets using Loppi can also be searched on LAWSON TICKET(, so you can check information on the Web and then purchase the tickets at a Lawson store.
"Loppi" becomes even more convenient if you use it together with LAWSON TICKET(
* When buying tickets from Loppi, a fee may be charged on top of the ticket price (for more details, please check the contents that are displayed during application).
How to Buy
Find nearby Lawson / mini-stop
You can buy tickets using Lawson's Loppi system from the first day of the regular release date*. L Code are required when buying tickets, so please check these codes using the "チケット検索 (Ticket Search)" function on this site, or in the "月刊ローチケ (Monthly Lawson Ticket)" magazine that is available for free at Lawson stores.
*Excluding some performances.
Japanese only
Step1 Touch "Lawson Ticket"
The selection button differs per performance genre.
Touch "ローソンチケット各種お手続き(Lawson Ticket)" on the "Loppi" screen at a Lawson store.
Step2 Touch "Buy a ticket now"
Touch "今すぐチケットを探して買う(Buy a ticket now)" button.
Step3-A Search by keyword
If you know the L Code, please enter it directly, or find tickets search by keyword.
Step3-B Select a Genre, Area, Performance date or release date
Find tickets by selecting the genre, area, performance date or release date.
Step4 Check
Select the performance you wish to attend and check the contents.
* Make sure to check the ticket price, registration fee and store issuing fee.
Step5 Pay
Take the application ticket that is issued by Loppi and pay the fee at the register within 30 minutes.
* The application ticket will become invalid after 30 minutes.
- ローソンチケットご利用ガイド
- 会員について
- ├ ローソンWEB会員
- ├ LEncore会員
- └ ローチケHMVプレミアム
- スマートフォン、パソコンで予約する
- Loppiで購入する
- ├ [For English] Buying with Loppi
- ├ 近くのローソンを探す
- └ 近くのミニストップを探す
- プレイガイドで購入する
- お支払い方法について
- ├ 店頭支払いについて
- ├ コンビニ入金のLoppi操作方法
- ├ 領収書について
- ├ チケット購入時の各種手数料
- ├ セキュリティコードについて
- └ 3Dセキュアについて
- チケット引取方法について
- チケット払戻方法について
- 座席選択サービスについて
- 2段階認証について
- お問い合わせ
- ローチケナビ レジャー編
- ローチケナビ 座席選択編